Sunday, March 15, 2009

Definately 2!

On the day William turned 2, you would think he knew... The attitude began. My sweet William turned into a little wild child! Yes, I admit he has always been a little on the wild side, but ever since he turned two, he has been more demanding and has learned to tell me no! He listens a little less and knows what he wants... I tried to get him dressed the other day, and he didn't want the shirt I was trying to put on him. I thought to myself "you are too young to act like this! I could expect it from Nick but not my William... " Needless to say, I wasn't in the mood to fight and I let him pick out a shirt that he wanted. Although he has shown a little more attitude, we love him very much and enjoy watching him grow and how he makes us laugh. He is a funny boy!
William is facinated with Spongebob...So we had a Spongebob theme birthday. Greg had to work on William's birthday so we decided to have his party this past Friday instead of on his birthday.

We went to Chucky Cheese... Arriving around 10:00a.m. just after opening. It was the perfect time to go. We were the only ones there for quite a while. I thought this would be a good time to go since the older kids are still in school.
The Twiddy's, and the Macenroth's joined us for the celebration.

William enjoyed himself mostly on the rides rather than the games, but he did find one he really liked...
William's favorite game was CHUCKY'S DUCKIES. He kept asking for 1 more about 20 times. It was fun to watch him concentrate on the game. He actually became pretty good at timing the ducks and when to hit them down.
My little birthday boy. Eating Pizza... One of his favorite activities. If there is food he will come running... Luckily his big brother keeps him busy running around.

Even the grown ups had fun!
William asking for just one more token...
The joy of a Chucky's token...Enough said!


The Bates said...

Your children are darling! I can't believe how much Nick has grown! I guess that happens when you move away and don't see them for 4 years! I love your blogg.

Love - Diane

Anonymous said...

We got the the gifts thank you for the $15 gift card to wal-mart

Trinity said...

Bekah also did a 180 when she turned 2! It was an overnight change but after a couple weeks she mellowed out a little...or maybe I just got used to her new attitude ;) Happy Birthday to William and we can't wait till we can all get together with our new little ones.

Julie/Mom said...

These are the times Grandparents hate living so far away! Wish we could have shared in Williams birthday party, but we are sure glad to have your Blog where we can keep informed with what's going on with all of you. We look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks! Much love - Mom