Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's Starting to Feel Like Christmas!

Christmas Crafts Are on Their Way...

We went to the Twiddy's house on Tuesday to make GINGER BREAD HOUSES. It was a lot of fun. I think William had the most yard decorations....Oh, no a Christmas Hoarder! I'm in trouble now!!
I was amazed at how much fun Hailey had... I didn't think that she would really be that interested, but boy was I wrong! She wanted to put every piece of candy that was in her bowl on her house or in the yard.
I didn't have my camera with me, so I had to result to my camera phone which takes horrible pictures. Any movement....And you will end up with a Blurry Picture. Hmmm....I did manage to get a few that weren't too blurry. Nicholas Did his after school a few days later...I wasn't going to get away with the little kids doing something fun with out him getting to do it too... Thanks Ladies! I had a great time too getting to spend time with my friends! The kids seemed to get a long pretty well and stayed out of trouble until they decided to jump on the bed...